Remembering the fallen on ANZAC Day

ANZAC Day services across the shire will be held next Tuesday, April 25 with several Dawn Services commencing at 6am.


AT Mansfield two services will be held – the first being at 6am sharp at the Menin Gates, Highett Street.

Guest speaker at the Dawn Service will be RSL member Neville Mathieson.

A Gunfire Breakfast will follow this service at the CFA headquarters, also in Highett Street – a gold coin donation appreciated.

A mid–morning service will also be held – again at the Menin Gates (memorial gates at the Mansfield Recreation Reserve) commencing at 11am.

Guest speaker will be Brigadier David Westphalen.

Prior to this service a short march comprising ex–service personnel, families, scouts and guides and emergency services, will take place starting from outside the RSL Sub–Branch rooms in Highett Street and concluding at the memorial gates.

Those intending to march are requested to be at the RSL building by 10.30am – the march will start at 10.50am sharp.

Following the mid–morning service all will be invited for refreshments at the RSL building.


A Dawn Service will be held at the Soldier's Memorial in Bon Crescent commencing at 6am.

Those attending are asked to assemble at the site by 5.50am with Stand To at 5.55am.

Guest speaker will be Captain (Retired) Steve Rabie.

Following this service a Gunfire Breakfast will be held at the Bonnie Doon Community Centre park – all welcome and a gold coin donation appreciated.


A Dawn Service will be held at 6am at the War Memorial at Gerrans Reserve.

A Gunfire Breakfast will be held following this service at the Courthouse Hotel Bistro area.

For the Mid–morning service a march formed by former and current services personnel will be held at approximately 11.30am which this year will include a helicopter flyby – followed by the midday service in the Memorial Hall.

This service will be followed by a luncheon at the Courthouse Hotel.


AN early morning service will commence at approximately 7.30am to be held at the Merrijig War & Service Memorial, opposite the corner of Mt Buller Road and Buttercup Road intersection.

Again this year a parade of horses and riders are expected to arrive at the memorial between 7am and 7.15am – this contingent of horses will leave the Hunt Club Hotel (Merrijig) at 6.30am after assembling there prior to this time.

Following the 7.30am service a gunfire Breakfast will be held – donations appreciated.


A DAWN Service will be held commencing at 6am on April 25, commencing at 6am and concluding at 7am at the Tolmie Recreation Reserve, Old Tolmie Road.

The gathering will include a barbecue breakfast with donations going to the Mansfield RSL.