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Challenging season, with more work ahead for 2025

BY the time you read this we would have either had another storm go through to prop up the season or the alternative.

No one likes talking about the alternative but sometimes it's reality.

It's seasons like these that test the resilience of our industry and also visitation from the public who are under enormous pressure in terms of cost of living.

Snowmaking has a been a saviour this year, along with advances in grooming techniques.

Also until recently we have had a pretty good run of low temperatures which has been very advantageous in regards to our base.

So, where to from here?

Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV) are looking towards the future in relation to resort capacities with a focus on resources and assets with a view to getting an accurate picture of what strategies we need to put in place to get the best results for seasons moving forward.

This will also go hand in hand with climate work that has also been commissioned.

Everyone is trying to do their bit with regards to putting the right foot forward.

Thank you for reading my columns this year and for all the feedback.

As you will know by now, some things need to be said in context and occasionally called out.

I am truthfully now out of words for season 2024 and behalf of all our businesses up here, we thank you for choosing Mt Hotham as your snow destination this year.

Bring on season 2025, here's cheers.