Snow season done for Sydney but still hopeful for regional

With the announcement today the greater Sydney lockdown has been extended until end of September, that spells the end of any visitation for spring skiing from guests from the greater Sydney area.

On a potential positive note, if there are any, if the regional lockdown of certain local government areas is lifted there is still potential for a final five weeks for the snow season. That may be wishful thinking, but in a time with there is so much doom and gloom, at least it is something to consider.

Businesses will be sweating on this decision regarding the August 28 lockdown and if it will be lifted to see if there is any chance to resurrect what has been a disastrous snow season for all businesses. Even opening the local government area would be beneficial for any potential trade from residents.

In the latest update from the Deputy Premier on the snow resorts and the Snowy Monaro at lunchtime today, he reiterated that should the Snowy Monaro stay virus free it is likely the area will open at the end of this current lockdown.

When asked did the latest Sydney lockdown announcement, or the fact that Canberra had more new cases today change his stance from overnight, Mr Barilaro said there are only twelve new cases in Canberra so that seems like good news.

“We've still got another week and a bit before we make that decision about what happens up in that region but I'm confident up there we’re still on track for seeing the Snowy Monaro possibly come out of lockdown if that is the health advice,” said Mr Barilaro.

Should the snow resorts manage to open for September and the October long weekend, visitation would still be relatively low with only a small base to draw from which could include the South Coast, or other regional areas that are allowed to travel. But at this stage in the season, it would be like throwing a desperate lifeline to businesses to stop many of them from sinking.

Starting from Monday 23 at 12.01am masks will be mandatory outside your home except when exercising. This is in force until August 28 at this stage.

If our region is serious about re-opening, we should comply with all the health orders to ensure we do not have any breaches or increase the chance for the virus to be exposed in our local government area.

The snow resorts are currently shuttered and awaiting confirmation of when the lockdown will cease. Casual staff have been stood down from many businesses including the resorts and are also awaiting the lockdown decisions to determine their season fate.

If September was to see the resorts open again, it would be reasonable to think resorts would only open designated lifts and terrain, but for keen snow enthusiasts who could visit and were not under restrictions, any open terrain at any resort would be welcome after being deprived of their snow recreation recently.

In the meantime, stay safe everyone.