Alpine observer and myrtleford times
Almost 300 take up challenge of Mount Bogong Conquestathon

By MARY HALL, Kangaroo Hoppet race secretary

EARLY morning on Saturday, March, 295 people lined up at the start line at the base of Mount Bogong to take on the challenge of the 45th Mount Bogong Conquestathon.

The event involves a total trek of 21km beginning with a 1410 metres elevation gain in only 9kms up Staircase Spur to the summit of Mount Bogong, Victoria’s highest mountain (1986m).

Participants then descend Eskdale Spur to Camp Creek Gap and onto a 4WD track for the final 8km back to the start/finish area at Mountain Creek Campground.

While more than half of the participants came from the North East and Albury/Wodonga regions, the event attracted a significant number from Melbourne and across regional Victoria, with interstate entries from Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Darwin - and two participants from Maidstone (UK) and St Didier (France).

The Kiewa and Ovens valleys were well represented with 75 participants calling the valleys their home.

The event has two categories: competitive or non-competitive.

Participants chose to either take their time and walk it in the non-competitive category or to compete and run in the competitive category.

Either way, participants were treated to a glorious sunny day to conquer Mount Bogong and feel like they were on top of the world.

Finishing first in a time of 2:07:42 was Iain Best from Canberra.

He was first over the summit and never relinquished his lead to second place finisher Hugo Lee from Thornbury, who finished in a time of 2:21:14.

Third overall and winner of the 50-59 male age group was Minter Barnard of Bright in a time of 2:27:41.

Not far behind Minter in fourth place overall was Mount Beauty local, Harri Silvester, in a time of 2:30:41.

Jas Vollmer from Alphington was the first female and tenth place overall, with a time of 2:36:34.

It was a back-and-forth battle for second place female between Upper Kiewa Valley locals Nichole McKilliam of Falls Creek, and Mimi Bennet from Tawonga South.

Nichole finished strongly to edge out Mimi, their times respectively were 2:47:49 and 2:48:54.

Other age group winners included Catherine McInerney from Wandiligong (over 60 women), Arno Van Der Schans from Cobden (over 60 men), Michelle Beattie from Kiewa (women 50 – 59), Eleanor Chlebna from Bright (Under 18 women), and Harris Mason from Wodonga (Under 18 men).

There were prizes for the largest team, sponsored by Howmans Gap Alpine Discovery Camp at Falls Creek, and the fastest team, sponsored by Altra Running.

The team with the most registered participants on the day was the Bridge Road Brewers Run Club of Beechworth.

They won two nights free accommodation at Howmans Gap Alpine Discovery Camp for the whole team.

They were also the team with the three fastest times, and they each won a pair of Altra trail running shoes.

The Mount Bogong Conquestathon is organised by the Kangaroo Hoppet and Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club Search and Rescue (BNSC SAR) with support from AGL, owner and operator of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity scheme.

Extra special thanks go to the event's organising committee from BNSC SAR.

Without their hard work prior to and on the day, this event could not happen.

Year round this crew of amazing volunteers assist police to locate people that get lost in our alpine areas.

They are experienced bushwalkers, back country and cross country skiers and mountaineers who have had specialist search and rescue training.

Kudos to BNSC SAR and all the volunteers from the local community who help make the Mount Bogong Conquestathon a fun and safe event.


Open men: 1 BEST Iain (Campbell ACT); 2 LEE Hugo (Thornbury); 3 SILVESTER Harri (Mount Beauty).

Open Women: 1 VOLLMER Jas (Alphington); 2 MCKILLIAM Nichole (Falls Creek) 3 BENNETT Mimi (Tawonga South).

Over 60 Men: 1 VAN DER SCHANS Arno (Cobden); 2 EVANS Trevor (Gembrook); 3 FRIZZELL David (Wodonga).

Over 60 Women: 1 MCINERNEY Catherine (Wandiligong); 2 MEREDITH Cerina (Albury); 3 SALMON Lizette (Wodonga).

Men 50 – 59: 1 BARNARD Minter (Bright); 2 GODDEN Brett (Melbourne); 3 MCINERNEY Patrick (Coniston NSW).

Women 50 – 59: 1 BEATTIE Michelle (Kiewa); 2 HOLLAND Joanna (Camberwell); 3 NAWROCKI Fiona (Baranduda).

U18 men: 1 HARRIS Mason (Wodonga); 2 JONES Rowan (Kancoona); 3 WILSON Harper (Porepunkah).

U18 Women: 1 CHLEBNA Eleanor (Bright); 2 DAVIES Sierra (Mount Beauty); 3 NEIL Claudia (Mount Beauty).