A FILM about Aussie adventurer Huw Kingston's remarkable 700km journey, skiing and walking the length of the Australian Alps in the winter of 2022, will be screening at Mt Buller this winter.
Alpine Odyssey (36 mins), a film directed by Ivan Hexter, celebrates the journey, the backcountry, the resorts/alpine communities and also considers the threats to this special part of Australia.
Over the course of Huw's 50 day journey through the Australian Alps, he dropped in to ski at each of the dozen mainland snow resorts.
"I've loved this unique and stunning one per cent of our continent for over 35 years and indeed first skied the length of the alps 27 years ago," Huw said.
"I've certainly witnessed some changes in that time.
"The film shows off the delights of our highest lands, celebrates skiing, an activity that has reduced me to tears of joy more than any other.
"Whilst I've skied across the world, pioneering long winter journeys in such places as the Himalaya, for me and many others there is something incredibly special about our alpine country.
"And certainly the impact of climate change deeply concerns me for future generations of snowsports enthusiasts to enjoy all I've enjoyed."
A screenings of Alpine Odyssey will take place at Mt Buller on June 22, and will raise funds for Save the Children and Protect Our Winters (POW).
POW is a global organisation with a now very active Australian chapter, a volunteer community organisation of outdoor enthusiasts working to protect Australia’s unique alpine environment and communities from climate change.
Huw's journey was also a fundraiser for Our Yarning, an Indigenous literacy project under the auspices of Save the Children (ultimately raising $65,000). for which Huw is a long-time ambassador and fundraiser.
A trailer for Alpine Odyssey can be viewed and downloaded at https://vimeo.com/916142667?share=copy
For screening details and ticket booking go to www.huwkingston.com/alpine-odyssey-film