Green space and activities ahead for the mountains

AS Mt BULLER and Mt Stirling wind down for the winter season plans are already in place to gear up for a fantastic spring and summer.

The last of the winter activities are ongoing including snow camping over on Mt Stirling.

But, when spring arrives, so does the fantastic and colorful range of native flowers and plants, coming out of winter hiding and blooming across the mountains.

Then is the time to go walking the high trails and observe the beauty of spring.

Maintenance crews get out their gear and start clearing fallen trees that inevitably come down under the weight of snow along the walking and biking trails.

Trails are due to be opened by the end of October and the official start to summer is expected to be held within the first week of December – but as yet to be confirmed.

On Mt Buller itself plans are being made for at least three long summer lunches – all with different themes and on some days village markets will be incorporated as well.

The Summer Shred Skesh is also planned again for this coming summer and a special Christmas event, proven to be popular last year, will return along with the airbag, pump track and walking tour activities.

Many of the bike and walking trails are expect to be opened the first week in November coinciding with Melbourne Cup weekend when road tracks on Mt Stirling will be reopened – but is yet to be confirmed and will depend on the amount of maintenance needed on each trail/track.

By December 1 all bike trails, all 100km, are expected to be officially opened.

And ssshhh - later in the year there will be an announcement of a sale of next year memberships and most likely BSL will introduce ‘Gift Vouchers’ – great as a Christmas gift for those who have everything and still love coming to the mountains.

These gift vouchers can be spent wherever the recipient wants – not limited to ski lift passes.

Wait for the announcement to be made in time for Christmas gift shopping.