Dinner Plain’s plan to upgrade

DINNER Plain has had its prayers answered with Alpine Shire Council developing a 13-year plan to upgrade and modernise the quaint snow village.

Council commenced development of the Dinner Plain Village Detailed Designs (DPVDD) in the 2018/19 financial year in response to requests from the community.

The development and the prioritisation of the projects followed four rounds of community consultation.

At last Tuesday afternoon’s Ordinary Council Meeting councillors agreed to adopt the plan which aims to implement eight projects within the village over the next decade.

Using funds from the Dinner Plain Reserve Fund, the finalised DPVDD will see a toboggan run and MTB trail hub built by 2022 as well as Scrubbers Hut Hub.

An exit bus stop, recreation reserve and a snowmaking extension to Peashooter are scheduled to be implemented between 2026 and 2033.

Prioritised for beyond 2033 is a village centre, multi-courts upgrade and a water tower lookout but the implementation of all projects will be subject to council’s annual budget setting process and the availability of external funding.

Councillor Ron Janas praised the plan and said he hoped the Dinner Plain community would be satisfied.

“This is a well thought out plan with community consultation that has taken place overtime… not everyone is going to get what they want,” Cr Janas said.

“I note the time frame is from 2021 right up until 2033, so there are a number of projects and I think the order they are in is logical.

“The toboggan run is an absolute positive thing for families and Scrubbers Hut Hub certainly needs upgrading.

“I’m hoping the Dinner Plain community is satisfied because it will be a great asset not just for the snow season but looking into the green times when we want people to come up and visit as well.”

Prior to completion of the detailed designs, council implemented works at Scrubbers End Precinct with funding through the State Government’s Bushfire Tourism and Business Fund 2020.

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