Snowy mountains
Thredbo to open with best start in decades

Thredbo Resort are set for the best opening weekend in decades with 125cm of fresh snow blanketing the resort over the past seven days.

With Thredbo's official opening of the snow season this Saturday 11 June, guests will be welcomed by an abundance of snow and a huge weekend of entertainment.

And the best news, the huge snowfall has allowed all major resort areas to open for this weekend. Guests have multiple choices for long thigh burning runs to start their season from the Supertrail off the top of the Kosciuszko Express, as well as High Noon, the Cruiser area and Friday Flat.

Both sides of the mountain will be linked via the traverse and Sundowner meaning skiers and snowboarders of all abilities will have plenty of terrain to choose from.

Snow accumulation at the top of Merritts Gondola.

Stuart Diver, Thredbo Resort General Manager said “In my many years living and working in Thredbo, I have never seen the Village so covered in snow ahead of the June long weekend.”

“The entire Thredbo community is really excited to see such a strong start to Winter 2022. It’s great to see such positive energy amongst our staff and community ready to welcome guests back to the mountains this weekend.”

The Thredbo Village will be buzzing and the mountain in perfect condition for one of the all-time best opening weekends which should not be missed. For anyone who wants to rejoice in a once in a generation Thredbo opening, make plans now.

Looking back through snow depth charts the previous best start was way back in 1968 where there was a whopping 162.8 cm at Spencers Creek on June 5. Snowy Hydro have not yet updated their 2022 depth, but it is sure to read over the 100cm. In the year 2000, which everyone recalls as a fantastic start the depth was only 77.1cm on June 8.

Delivering the biggest alpine events calendar in the country this winter, Thredbo has a range of celebrations and events planned to herald in the season ahead.

Key highlights for opening weekend include a welcome home to Thredbo’s Winter Olympians, Illuminations and Fireworks Spectacular, Ice Carvings, Heineken Saturday ft. Set Mo at the Alpine Bar and more.

Guests are reminded to purchase online in advance with all details and information on the Thredbo website.

Huge snow in the alpine area at Thredbo.
Snow clearing will continue all week in Thredbo Village with expected snowfalls to continue.
Looking from the top down on Friday Flat showing the exceptional cover of snow.