The Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct (SAP) master plan has moved into another phase with the release of new documents on public exhibition.
The Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct master plan was dealt a severe blow last week with the Federal Government retracting their proposed $100 million funding for shared costs of the Southern Connector bypass road in Jindabyne.
Considering this ‘bypass road’ was the key project to the 40 year vision of creating a year round tourist economy and strengthening the summer product, it will be interesting to see how the overall project moves forward. The road will still be factored into planning but may never be built.
In previously announced cutbacks, the NSW State Government slashed $200 million from the original SAP, now leaving $196 million which has been forecast to be spent in the next four years.
With the Southern Connector Road how seemingly being shelved, where will the $196 million be spent, and on what projects?
These answers will not be known until the end of 2023.
The NSW Planning Department and Regional Growth Development Corporation (RGDC) have indicated they will advise by end of year the final list of projects that will commence. It is near guaranteed two projects will be upgrades of both the Jindabyne water treatment plant and sewer plant.
New Planning Papers Released
As the community await any new developments and information, new planning papers have now been published and are on public exhibition.
These documents will guide the development of the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct.
Public exhibition for these documents will end on 7 February 2024 and will provide the public with the opportunity to view and provide formal feedback.
(Note: the public exhibition period has been extended from December 20 to February 7, 2024)
It is important for the community to look at these documents, discuss with your friends and then offer feedback.
Community Drop In Sessions
Community drop-in sessions will be held on the following dates:
- 27 November 2023, anytime between 2:00pm and 4:00pm at Nuggets Crossing
- 27 November 2023, anytime between 5:00pm and 7:00pm at Jindabyne Library
- 28 November 2023, anytime between 9:00am and 11:00am at Jindabyne Library
- 2 December 2023, anytime between 9:00am and 1:00pm at Jindabyne Markets
Documents On Public Exhibition
The Department of Planning and Environment, in collaboration with Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, National Parks and Wildlife Service and Snowy Monaro Regional Council, have prepared a suite of delivery documents to enable the delivery of the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct.
The documents include
(Click on link to view, read or download papers)
Draft Snowy Mountains Delivery Plan
212 pages total
What is a delivery plan? A delivery plan is a statutory document, referenced by the State Environmental Planning Policy (PrecinctsRegional) 2021 (Precincts-Regional SEPP), and is required before any development can occur within a Special Activation Precinct.
Draft Jindabyne Development Control Plan*
(Look for documents link to download)
203 Pages Total
A Development Control Plan – or DCP – is a planning document that provides detailed planning and design guidelines for a particular area. The NSW Government has developed a draft DCP for Jindabyne, which once finalised, will form a core part of the planning process underpinning the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct (SAP).
Council endorsed the exhibition of the draft Jindabyne DCP at the October 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.
It is important to note that this document is only a draft. The specific purpose of this consultation is to solicit feedback from the community to aid councillors in deciding whether to adopt the current draft, or whether changes need to be made.
Draft Alpine Precinct Development Control Plan
317 pages
This DCP supports the statutory planning framework of the Alpine Region including PrecinctsRegional SEPP and the Master Plan.. It provides detailed provisions to guide development to achieve the aims and objectives of Precincts-Regional SEPP. This DCP includes detailed objectives and controls for ensuring well designed, quality land use and development within the Alpine Sub-regions of KNP. Secondly, and in combination with related framework of the Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management 2006 (KNP PoM), the carrying capacity provisions of this DCP (Chapter 5) aim to facilitate a safe and sustainable increase in the amount and range of year-round recreation and accommodation offerings.
Draft Alpine Community Participation Plan
Kosciuszko National Park Alpine Region
11 Pages
This Community Participation Plan (CPP) outlines the mandatory community engagement requirements on planning matters. The CPP reflects the community participation requirements in planning legislation, including mandatory consultation timeframes.
34 Pages
Have Your Say. The Department of Planning and Environment welcomes your feedback for proposed amendments.
Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precincts - Delivery Documents Feedback
Draft Jindabyne DCP
After viewing the documents, the community are encouraged to offer Feedback on Draft Jindabyne Development Control Plan.
Scroll to bottom of the Draft Jindabyne DCP page to offer feedback