Cleaning up the Mullum Wetlands

CLEAN Up Australia recently released its National Rubbish Report for 2022.

The report highlighted a sharp increase in plastics in the environment, with soft plastics being the most common item found.

This was followed by single use plastics.

Of the rubbish picked up and recorded at Clean Up Australia Day events in 2022, a third of the items were found in waterways.

Waterways are highly valued in the Mansfield Shire, for drinking water, agriculture, tourism and leisure as well as vital remnant habitat and wildlife corridors.

Our waterways, big or small, seasonal or running year–round, provide so much for so many.

Previous Clean Up Australia Day events have focused on Fords Creek and the Botanic Gardens.

This year the focus remains on waterways, with Up2Us Landcare Alliance hosting a Clean Up Australia Day event at the Mullum Wetlands in Mansfield.

Up2Us facilitator, Kim Magnay, said, "It's a great opportunity for the Mansfield community, particularly newcomers to the area, to get together and help to clean up the Mullum wetlands and Rail Trail, an area that is of importance to both people and flora and fauna alike."

This year Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday, March 5 from 9:30–11:30 at the Mullum Wetlands.

The meeting point will be at the Visitors Centre car park and rubbish bags will be provided.

Tea and coffee will be provided after the event.

For further information please contact Up2Us on 5775 1593 or

Attendees can also go to for further details on the event.