Jamieson top town

JAMIESON has been announced as one of the five finalists for the 2023 TAC Victorian Top Tourism Town Awards in the Tiny Tourism Town category.

The Tiny Tourism Town award recognises Australian towns with a population under 1500 people that offer amazing visitor experiences and are committed to increased visitation to their region.

Seventeen applications were received for this category and each submission was evaluated by three judges, overseen by the chair and an independent auditor.

"We are thrilled at making the finals," said Franzi Weiss, who headed up the submission.

"Thanks to everyone in Jamieson who has helped in the submission; Toby and Tamar for our video, the staff at the Visitor Information Centre, Mansfield Shire Council and Tourism North East."

"We were able to put forward a strong entry that highlights how much is on offer, which is so exciting."

Mayor Cr James Tehan congratulated Jamieson and all those involved in the submission.

"The whole shire is known for its beautiful landscapes and friendly charm and this is just fantastic to see Jamieson getting recognised for what they offer," he said.

"A community–led entry saw the passion of the residents captured and their slogan 'feel the beauty' sums it all up."

Finalists will now proceed to the public vote which will run from 1 June – 22 June via the Victorian Tourism Industry Council website.