North east tourist news
MAD about pottery

THE MAD potters of Mansfield have been hard at work preparing for this year’s pottery festival to be held on the Labour Day long weekend, March 7 to 10.

The festival will kick off with the opening of the Poets of Pottery, an exhibition showcasing imagination and expression through pottery.

This display will be held at the Clay Stables, the potters’ newly restored community pottery studio at the old police stables

All work is for sale and as work is sold new pieces will be added.

The Potters’ Market on Saturday from 9am to 2pm will feature the work of 45 potters as well as free clay play for kids, live music, a pottery throwdown and fabulous street food.

The day doesn’t finish there –anyone looking for inspiration should make their way to the Delatite Hotel for the Potters’ Dinner, with guest ceramicist Fleur Schell.

Fleur is one of Australia’s prominent artists, visiting from Western Australia as a guest of the pottery festival.

She is conducting two workshops over the weekend on hand-building with porcelain.

Local master potter Wendy Jagger will also be featuring at the Clay Stables on Sunday, talking about the work in the exhibition.

It promises to be an amazing weekend in store - not only for those who like to get their hands muddy but also those who marvel at their skills.

The potters look forward to seeing you there.

For more information visit