Success of Australia’s first Via Ferrata set to continue

AFTER the establishment of the first Via Ferrata in Australian earlier this year, “Mt Buller News” caught up with RockWire founder James Webb to get a feel how the first season went and what to expect come summer.

We also got to learn a bit more about James and his love of the mountains in any season.

RockWire has just wrapped up its first successful season of operation on Mt Buller (so the guides and owners can go skiing), and what a season it was according to James.

After some initial delays due to a wet start to the summer, RockWire opened officially to the public on Friday February 2, 2024.

Australia’s first and only Alpine Via Ferrata, Mt Buller has proven to be the perfect location choice, with incredible views and varied, challenging and fun climbing routes.

For those who may be new to this activity, Via Ferrata is a structured climbing route where participants are connected to a safety wire the entire time (like a high ropes or tree top adventure course) but follow a route along a cliff face (1000 metres above the Delatite Valley) instead.

Foot and hand holds (known as Stemples) have been put in place, so that ascending the rock becomes as simple as climbing a ladder.

Via Ferrata literally means iron path or road in Italian.

Feedback was amazing with so many excited, proud and guests revelling in the challenge said James with many asking, “when’s the next route opening?”

“In the few short months we were opened, we were lucky to guide over 600 people through, including two amazing nine-year-olds and two incredible 84-year-olds.

“But don’t be fooled, it is a challenge for 99 per cent of us mere humans, as it does take a certain amount of fitness and leg strength,” said James.

People did the fly and/or drive from Adelaide, Brisbane and NSW to try it out.

Several overseas visitors who have climbed on Via Ferratas in Italy and overseas, mentioned Mt Buller was equal to any they had been on giving feedback that James loves.

“We had incredible end of season weather and experienced greetings by curious residents including an echidna and wallaby.

"We had a majestic wedgetail eagle soar with us and some incredible views and beautiful sunsets.

"All up, we couldn’t have asked for a better introductory season," said James.

So, what’s next?

“Well, the exciting news is that next season we will be opening up route two.

"A grade or two up from route one, it's longer, higher, steeper with lots more exposure and in general… a whole new level of fun."

Keep an eye on our website page and Instagram account for more detail, James said.

Opening for next season is Friday November 1, so if you haven’t been to Mt Buller in the summer or looking for something different and not available anywhere else in Australia, here’s your excuse to come back.

Bookings/enquiries can be made from the website at or via Mt Buller’s website.

Fitness is a consideration for anyone wanting to do the RockWire experience.

“We recommend as a minimum that you can hike uphill for several hours," he said.

Each tour goes for approximately four hours and includes a couple of 100 metres of elevation gain over rough terrain.

The fitter you are the more enjoyable it will be.

People are encouraged to come weekdays, as weekends and holidays book out fast.

Enquiries can be made now online, and bookings will open in August for the 2024/25 summer season.

James started his love affair with Mt Buller at a young age,

“As an avid ski mountaineer, I learnt to love and grow accustomed to wind and the cold wet conditions of the mountains, skiing on Buller as a teenager.

“The love of skiing and climbing lead to a lifetime of traveling to mountains around the world, including some of the highest peaks on earth.

"Eighteen years as an outdoor and environmental teacher also taught me the importance of not only looking after such beautiful biomes, but the importance of sharing these places so that others can develop that same love and desire to protect and look after.

"I am a strong advocate and believer that people may spark an interest hearing or seeing pictures of a particular place or environment, but it’s not until they have visited that place will they develop that innate desire to look after and care for it.

"This is why I wanted to bring Via Ferrata to Australia, so I could introduce the average person to the place I love and help educate and plant that seed in them on the importance of looking after such beautiful places."

Mt Buller is the perfect place to do that.

James had lots to say about what makes Mt Buller such a unique destination regardless of the time of year.

“Several reasons, first during summer most Aussies think that cooling off only happens at the beach.

“Mt Buller is 10 per cent cooler than the valley below, so it is naturally a cooler place.

“Second, the views.

“Not many places have such incredible view in all directions.

“Third, the sunrises and the sunsets, if you have not seen them, then you are missing out.

“Fourth, there is now more and more to do up here, including the fact that it is the only place in Australia you can do a Via Ferrata.

“Fifth, everything is already here to make an enjoyable stay, or if you want to rough it and get out in nature, it is literally minutes away,” he concluded.

During winter working on getting RockWire ready for next season is taking up most of James’ time, especially for the November 1 opening, including finishing route two.

If not working on RockWire, he can be found on Mt Stirling taking ski lessons and helping with Stirling Experience.

He confesses he loves any excuse to get outdoors away from the office.