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Resorts managing well despite staffing issues

A SHORTER season and lower visitation has somewhat balanced out staff shortages at Mt Hotham and Falls Creek alpine resorts this winter season, according to local chambers of commerce.

Falls Creek Chamber of Commerce president Lisa Logan was concerned about a lack of accommodation for staff causing a range of issues for local business in the lead up to the season.

“COVID, the rising cost of living and the landslip on Bogong High Plains Road were among the causes of the lack of beds for staff,” she said.

"So far people have done what they can and managed as much as possible; I know there were some organisations taking out rent accommodation in Mount Beauty because there wasn’t anything else available.

“Many staff have found it less than ideal due to the longer commute and we’ve had trees coming down on that main road due to the wet weather and snow so it’s caused a bit more angst for those who travel it regularly.

“As far as I know there are still some unfilled positions simply because they didn’t have accommodation.

“I understand some people have indicated they couldn’t find the beds for staff and have had to change the way they do things to manage.

“Overall I think we’re doing okay considering the circumstances.

“There’s been more moves towards people not opening restaurants everyday but a lot are still seven days a week.

“It’s a short season so we learn to manage with less anyway.

“We’re all looking at this issue, from private operations to the chamber of commerce to resort management and Alpine Resorts Victoria and the region.

“We’re all trying to find solutions to this, it’s very much on everyones agenda and hopefully we can come up with something sooner rather than later.”

Mount Hotham Chamber of Commerce president Steve Belli said with lower visitation numbers it’s balancing out.

“People seem to be managing okay; it's nowhere near as busy as it was last year so it is balancing out in that regard,” he said.

“We’ve still got reasonable visitation but not like last year so the amount of staff is pretty adequate.

“I think we’ve seen less people because of the late start to the season and because people have access to go overseas now for other skiing options.

“As far as more accommodation, we’ve got people working through things slowly with planning approvals and consulting with businesses and the resort which is good, it will take some time but they’re working openly with us.”

Mr Belli reminded visitors to the region that chains are mandatory and adequate clothing for cold weather and snow is suggested.

“We’re getting a lot of new visitors so we need people to check with local chain retailers to make sure their cars can fit chains,” he said.

“We also suggest appropriate footwear and hiring waterproof clothing if you need it.”