Visitor numbers on the upslope

IT is no surprise that visitor numbers to ski resorts across Victoria have exceeded the one million mark for this season.

At the conclusion of Week 9 (Sunday, August 7) the ARCC reported that some 1,155,667 visitor numbers had been recorded – these were 'visitor days' which included overnight and longer term stays; however, an increase of 93 percent, or almost double, from previous statistics overall.

Visitor numbers for Buller and Stirling have continued their upward trend over the past couple of weeks (weeks 8 & 9), solidifying beliefs that this will be the best season yet on record.

For week nine (Sunday, August 7) some 26,172 visitors had explored Mt Buller's snow and ski slopes while Mt Stirling had some 648 snow bunnies on its slopes.

In total for the season Mt Buller has recorded 309,733 while Stirling has had a fantastic season with 6825 visitors on its trails up by 131 per cent from the 2012,10 year average stats.

Overall some 68,563 visitors had enjoyed a jaunt in the snow during the week, with total numbers across all Alpine resorts for the year to date reaching 689,346.

When compared with the 2012 year statistics – now 10 years on – visitation was up by some 182 per cent overall; Mt Buller up by 138% and Mt Stirling up by 17% for week 9 only.

With another 4–5 weeks of the season still to go, these figures will rise dramatically as still to take into account for Mt Buller will be the Interschools competitors, Slopestyle competitions, Free BOM, Pond Skim, the big Grand Final weekend and the final Kids' Week numbers.

And it is shown that Mt Stirling has become more popular this year perhaps as many visitors just want to toboggan or snow play without the hassles of car parking and restrictions on where and when they can toboggan.

Updates from BSL however indicate the changes to Buller's tobogganing this year have been positive for the resort on the whole.

The season is expected to conclude on the first weekend in October.