Replica restorations: Myrtleford Men’s Shed lends a hand to restore historical miniature huts

A SERIES of hut replicas whose counterparts are located in the North East's High Country are being restored by the Myrtleford Men's Shed group.

These huts were first created by Benalla resident and historical enthusiast Jim Carter, who has spent most of his life making more than 100 replicas of various landmarks.

Now that Mr Carter has started living in aged care, his wife Chris wanted to see the handcrafted huts go to a good home where they can be put on display.

However, many of them were in disrepair.

Mrs Carter gave a dozen replicas to a friend who is working in collaboration with members of the Myrtleford Men's Shed to improve the condition of the huts so they can be donated.

"We have done a wonderful job on them," men's shed member, Kevin Dinneen said.

"We've replaced any broken parts that needed it and each has received a base-board...they've been fairly rickety when we received them.

"We have worked on about seven or eight so took about six months."

"We keep doing other projects in between," laughed fellow shed member, George McPherson.

"We're looking for other places to display them in Benalla as well as at tourist attractions in the High Country, like Bright, Mount Beauty and Harrietville.

"They should be on display somewhere, not in a garage."

The huts in the High Country were first built by cattle farmers who would take their herds up the mountain for a week or so to graze on the native grasses there.

With the ban against cattle grazing, the life-sized huts are now historic locations visited by tourists and hikers in the region.

Shed member Clive Walker said that all newcomers are welcome to engage with group projects such as these.

"We focus on our members' physical and mental health," he said.

"It's a good place to meet up with the blokes, get a coffee and talk a bit of rubbish," said fellow shed member Kevin Wood.

The Myrtleford Men's Shed is located at 161 Standish Street in Myrtleford as a part of the hospital complex.