Mansfield Hotel opens its doors again for fine dining

WITH the Victorian Government’s announcement last week that hotels, restaurants and cafes can now re-open, the Mansfield Hotel has again started to welcome patrons for lunches and dinners.

Lesa Brown, partner owner of the hotel said her and her husband had decided to only open the hotel for five days a week, Thursday through to Monday, up until June 22.

After this date, if government allows, they will open for seven days a week as normal.

“We will be opening for lunch and dinner and with an indoor capacity of 40 will have two rooms, the main bistro room and the conference room, open for patrons,” Ms Brown said.

“Tables will be limited to six persons per table and we will have two distinct dinner sittings - one from 5pm to 6.45pm and the second from 7pm onwards.

“Lunches will be open from 12pm to 2pm.

“But for lunch in particular we can increase the numbers to 60 if people choose to sit out in our refurbished courtyard.”

Ms Brown said the closure of the hotel has allowed for renovations to take place with the bar area in particular being repainted and the courtyard undergoing renovations and refurbishment.

“We will be abiding by the government rules on service and no alcohol will be allowed unless patrons are eating a meal," she said.

“And alcohol will be with table service as well – no over the bar service at this stage.

“But we will be revising these rules once the government has granted more numbers allowed, but until then we have to wait until closer to June 22 for that announcement.”

For this weekend’s Queen’s Birthday holiday and with the bush market running again, the Mansfield Hotel will serve lunches with inside numbers restricted to 40 at any one time and a further 20 in the courtyard.

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