A Mount Buller icon sold

MT BULLER Icon the Enzian Hotel was sold over the summer break with the new owners taking over control in early April.

Owned by a small group and managed by long time mountain identity Ann Jaggard, the hotel now comes under the new ownership of Jane and John Maisano.

The Maisanos also operate the Black Cockatoo and the Bird Cage at the Chalet Hotel and the new Kooroora Hotel.

The Enzian provides significant versatility in a position perfect location overlooking Chamois.

It comprises 23 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms, and can accommodate up to 60 guests.

The bar and restaurant can seat up to 115 patrons, and includes commercial kitchen/cool room and there is an excellent drying room/ski storage area.

More importantly there are four separate staff bedrooms that can accommodate 12 staff, bathroom facilities, laundry and staff common room.

Ann's story: 'Not leaving just yet'

BEING a mountain resident for 34 years, Ann Jaggard has managed the Enzian Hotel for the past nine and over that time has seen a lot of changes both within the hotel and on the mountain.

Ann said over the past nine years there had been many upgrades and changes at the Enzian.

"When we (the group of owners) came into this it needed a lot of TLC; it was looking very uncared for," Ann said.

"We are quite pleased with how it looks now and we've had good reactions from guests, so I guess that is one of the changes we have seen.

"Also the restaurant upgrade has been very well respected.

"I have retired, but what I thought I might do is spend some time in our little apartment here at Enzian and ski and snow board, do the things I haven't been able to do because I was busy managing the hotel.

"Instead of cutting off all ties I am hoping to do some 'yellow jackets' (guest services) work, I thought that would be something nice to do instead of cutting ties altogether.

"And once you stop skiing at my age you might as well forget it, so I thought I would keep my hand in at skiing."

Ann said she will mainly stay at their home in Mansfield during the week and go up for weekends as her husband, Laurie, is a golfer – not being able to ski anymore due to health problems.

"So Laurie will play golf and I will play skiing," Ann said.

"It would be a nice thing for me to do."

Asked if Ann was sorry to be leaving her manager's role, she said: "I think I am ready for it (retirement); I think it's time."

Changes Ann has seen on the mountain have been many.

"I can't believe the development that has taken place on the mountain since I first came," she said.

"The changes have been good and to see the mountain evolving has been great.

"I think they need more facilities though in the village – but I believe there are plans to expand some areas.

"The mountain has to keep evolving.

"I am staying out of consultation and decision making now – I have really retired."