ARV’s inaugural Corporate Plan released

ARV's inaugural Corporate Plan has been approved by the Minister for Environment and is now publicly available on the ARV website.

The Corporate Plan articulates ARV's strategic objectives and provides a roadmap, highlighting the year ahead while also detailing their long-term goals for the four-year life of the plan.

The plan sets out the context and environment in which ARV is operating, then describes the six strategic objectives to guide ARV's activities over the Corporate Plan period.

These six objectives are:

Investment: Enable investment that drives sustainable businesses

Environment: Protect and enhance the alpine environment and adapt to climate change

Visitors: Enhance the visitor experience

Reform: Implement practical policy and regulatory reform

Progress: Enhance organisational excellence and sustainability

People: Build constructive culture and leadership capabilities

ARV's six objectives are informed by the industry-wide Alpine Resorts Strategic Plan 2020–2025 aimed at ensuring there is clear direction to support decision-making.

Each objective is supported by an action plan, which is already being implemented.

The plan also includes an overview of the financial plan for the period 2024-2027, identifying the key business initiatives and likely challenges to achieving financial sustainability.

ARV will continue to provide updates on the progress of the Corporate Plan through ARV's corporate communications channels.